Microsoft Dynamics Ax Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. The Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable modules within Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP solution are integrated with each other to create a seamless and user-friendly accounting system. The Accounts Payable module allows tracking of all purchases and expenses. Set up vendor groups and payment options. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Presentation BRK328 - Tech Conference 2012, InformationSource Last Modified Friday, September 5, 2014. This demo walks the viewer through using the Accounts Receivable process within MicrOsoft Dynamics AX.
- September 16, 2011
- English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
- Information workers
- Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials
This exam has been retired
For currently available options, please see the Microsoft Certification exam list.
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam. View video tutorials about the variety of question types on Microsoft exams.
Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.
Do you have feedback about the relevance of the skills measured on this exam? Please send Microsoft your comments. All feedback will be reviewed and incorporated as appropriate while still maintaining the validity and reliability of the certification process. Note that Microsoft will not respond directly to your feedback. We appreciate your input in ensuring the quality of the Microsoft Certification program.
If you have concerns about specific questions on this exam, please submit an exam challenge.
If you have other questions or feedback about Microsoft Certification exams or about the certification program, registration, or promotions, please contact your Regional Service Center.
- Set up and manage General Ledgers, a chart of accounts, and journals
- Set up currency and exchange rates, create fiscal calendar and shared fiscal calendar groups, create date intervals, create financial dimensions and dimension sets, post profiles and multiple accounts, manage period allocations, identify main account types, set up an advanced chart of accounts, create system accounts, create journal texts
- Manage General Ledger daily procedures
- Create a General Ledger journal, post multiple journals, approve journals, create a voucher template, create a periodic journal, create and apply an accrual scheme, reverse a General Ledger transaction, reverse an entry, manage journal transaction inquiries and reports
- Manage sales tax
- Create a ledger posting group, create a sales tax authority, create a sales tax settlement period, create a sales tax code, create a sales tax group, set up a sales tax jurisdiction
- Manage financial features
- Manage sales tax transactions, manage sales tax exemptions, withhold sales tax, manage reason codes, use the Fill utility, establish interest terms and date ranges, manage post-dated checks
- Set up cash and bank management and procedures
- Create bank transaction types and groups; define bank parameters; create payment purpose codes, bank groups, and bank accounts; define check layout; manage checks, deposit slips, bank remittance, and payment reversal; reconcile a bank account; print non-negotiable checks; create non-negotiable copies of checks; establish an account for a specified period
- Set up and manage Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
- Manage payment schedules and terms; create a payment day; manage cash discounts and payment fees; create payment methods; create customers and vendor groups; manage an invoice register and invoice approval journals; manage invoice pools, excluding posting; manage vendor invoices and payment journals; set up print management; create posting profiles
- Manage Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable procedures
- Manage free text invoices, manage payment journals, edit open transactions, reverse settlements, reverse closed transactions, reimburse customers, reason codes, manage invoice matching, create an invoice journal and voucher templates
Preparation resources
- Manage budgeting, commitment accounting, and cash flow
- Set up, create, and revise budgets; apply budget controls; manage budget reporting; manage integrated budgeting; upgrade from ledger budgets; manage purchase order encumbrances; process year-end purchase orders; set up cash flow forecasting; define a cash flow forecast budget model; create and calculate cash flow transactions
- Manage multicurrency and intercompany accounting
- Set up exchange rate profit and loss accounts, manage exchange rate adjustments, manage Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable exchange rate adjustments, set up intercompany posting, post intercompany transactions, trace an intercompany entry
- Manage advanced payments
- Bridge accounts, manage electronic vendor payments, manage electronic customer payments, manage centralized payments, manage prepayments (deposits), administer a bill of exchange, clear payments
- Manage consolidations
- Set up a consolidation company, set up a subsidiary company, perform a consolidation, manage consolidation inquiries, view and delete consolidation transactions, manage intercompany eliminations
- Manage collections
- Manage customer account statements, set up and process collection letters, set up interest codes, calculate interest, manage collections and collection agents
- Manage financial workflows and year-end close
- Define workflow elements, set up and manage workflows, create a new fiscal year, control transactions in a closing period, create and post a closing sheet, post net income to multiple dimensions, transfer opening balances
- Manage financial statements
- Define financial statement rows and columns, print a financial statement, create and print a dimension statement, manage Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) taxonomy, create an XBRL file from a financial statement
Preparation resources
- Manage setup procedures
- Set up a system for Fixed Assets, set up the Fixed Assets module, manage parameters, manage reason codes in the Fixed Assets module, manage depreciation methods and conventions, manage depreciation books, manage provision types and bonus depreciation, update depreciation conventions for a depreciation book
- Set up assets
- Manage Fixed Asset forms, set up assets in the Fixed Assets module, lend assets, assign bar codes to assets, budget assets, integrate project modules to Fixed Assets
- Manage asset transactions
- Identify typical Fixed Asset transaction types; create and acquire fixed assets from purchase orders; record depreciation, value adjustments, and disposals; manage transaction reversals; manage replacement cost and update insured value; copy Fixed Assets and change Fixed Asset groups; manage Fixed Asset additions
Preparation resources
This exam is designed for individuals on the implementation team who are responsible for administrating or using the Fixed Assets and Financial Management modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. They typically are individuals who are tasked with assessing a customer’s business needs and advising them on the use, configuration, and customization of the application. Candidates should also have a general working knowledge of the General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Fixed Assets functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
More information about exams
We recommend that you review this exam preparation guide in its entirety and familiarize yourself with the resources on this website before you schedule your exam. See the Microsoft Certification exam overview for information about registration, videos of typical exam question formats, and other preparation resources. For information on exam policies and scoring, see the Microsoft Certification exam policies and FAQs.
This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Microsoft exams might include adaptive testing technology and simulation items. Microsoft does not identify the format in which exams are presented. Please use this preparation guide to prepare for the exam, regardless of its format. To help you prepare for this exam, Microsoft recommends that you have hands-on experience with the product and that you use the specified training resources. These training resources do not necessarily cover all topics listed in the 'Skills measured' section.
- December 23, 2014
- English, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese
- IT professionals
- Microsoft Dynamics AX
- Specialist
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financials
This exam has been retired
For currently available options, please see the Microsoft Certification exam list.
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam. View video tutorials about the variety of question types on Microsoft exams.
Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.
Do you have feedback about the relevance of the skills measured on this exam? Please send Microsoft your comments. All feedback will be reviewed and incorporated as appropriate while still maintaining the validity and reliability of the certification process. Note that Microsoft will not respond directly to your feedback. We appreciate your input in ensuring the quality of the Microsoft Certification program.
If you have concerns about specific questions on this exam, please submit an exam challenge.
If you have other questions or feedback about Microsoft Certification exams or about the certification program, registration, or promotions, please contact your Regional Service Center.
- Set up the General Ledger, chart of accounts, and journals
- Create a chart of accounts; create and categorize main accounts; identify main account types; create financial dimensions and dimension sets; configure account structures; create advanced rule structures; create organizational units and hierarchies; create fiscal calendars, years, and periods; create date intervals; create reason codes; define journal names; define allocation rules and allocation basis; create system accounts; create journal texts; set up intercompany accounting; define General Ledger parameters
- Define cash and bank management and procedures
- Create bank transaction types and groups; define bank parameters; create payment purpose codes, bank groups, and bank accounts; define check layouts
- Set up Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
- Create payment schedules and terms, create a payment day, define cash discounts and payment fees, create payment methods, create vendor accounts, create vendor groups, define vendor posting profiles, assign a vendor posting profile, form setup and print management, define matching policies and tolerances, create charges and charge groups, define aging periods
- Set up currencies and sales tax
- Set up currencies, currency types, and exchange rates; create ledger posting groups; create sales tax authorities; create sales tax settlement periods; create sales tax codes; create sales tax groups; set up item sales tax groups; set up a sales tax jurisdiction
- Manage General Ledger daily and periodic procedures
- Create a General Ledger journal, post multiple journals, approve journals, create a voucher template, create a periodic journal, reverse a General Ledger transaction, manage journal transaction inquiries and reports, create journal controls, revalue foreign currency, process financial consolidation, post a sales tax payment
- Manage Accounts Payable daily and periodic procedures
- Create vendor invoices, create invoice journals, revalue foreign currency, generate vendor payments, manage vendor postdated checks
- Manage Accounts Receivable daily and periodic procedures
- Create customer invoices, create free text invoices, revalue foreign currency, apply customer payments, manage customer collections
- Manage commitment accounting and cash flow
- Configure dependent ledger accounts, set up cash flow forecasting, define a cash flow forecast budget model, create and calculate cash flow transactions
- Manage advanced payments
- Set up bridge accounts, manage electronic vendor and customer payments, manage centralized payments and prepayments (deposits), administer a bill of exchange, manage direct debit mandates
- Maintain bank accounts
- Checks and deposit slips, void and refund checks, manage bank remittance and payment reversals, reconcile a bank account
- Plan budgets
- Identify budget components, identify budgeting methodologies, create organizational hierarchies, define budget stages, define budget allocation terms, configure budget plans, configure budget allocation schedules, configure support for budget planning templates
- Control budgets
- Plan for budget controls; identify budget control components; set up, create, and revise budgets; define the budget funds available calculation; define budget cycles; create budget control rules and budget groups; manage budget reporting; manage integrated budgeting; create budget transfers
- Create basic budgets
- Define budget dimensions, create budget models and codes, create budget register entries, define and create encumbrances, manage purchase order encumbrances, process year-end purchase orders
- Configure the Fixed Assets module
- Set up the Fixed Assets module, create value models, create Fixed Asset groups, set up Fixed Asset parameters, manage reason codes in the Fixed Assets module, manage depreciation methods and conventions, manage depreciation books, manage provision types and bonus depreciation, update depreciation conventions for a depreciation book, set up depreciation profiles
- Set up assets
- Identify Fixed Assets module components; manage Fixed Asset forms; set up assets in the Fixed Assets module; lend assets; assign bar codes to assets, budget assets; integrate other modules with Fixed Assets
- Manage asset transactions
- Identify typical Fixed Asset transaction types; record acquisitions and acquisition proposals; create and acquire Fixed Assets from purchase orders; record depreciation, value adjustments, and disposals; manage transaction reversals; manage replacement costs and update insured values; copy Fixed Assets and change Fixed Asset groups; manage Fixed Asset additions
Microsoft Dynamics Ax Accounts Receivable
Online learning through the Microsoft Dynamics Learning Portal (DLP) is available to Microsoft Dynamics Partners who have purchased a training pack. If you haven’t purchased a training pack, sign in to PartnerSource and view the training pack details page. Find out how to gain access to the DLP site.
- These DLP courses cover content for Exam MB6-702.
- This course explores some of the basic financial functionality available in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Individuals are introduced to setup processes in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and the Bank module, in addition to learning how to enter transactions in each.
- This course explores topics such as the setup and usage of budgeting, cash flow management, multicurrency, intercompany, and consolidated accounting. Additionally, individuals learn about the multiple advanced payment options and how to produce customer account statements, create collection letters, complete year-end close functionality, and produce financial statements. This training is an extension of the Financials I training.
- This course examines and teaches individuals how to use the Fixed Asset functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. The training focuses on the various setup requirements for Fixed Assets, transactions, and reports and inquiries.
Customers on a service plan can access online learning from CustomerSource. Please contact if you have questions.
Don`t starve keygen.rar. Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Published: December 23, 2014
Dig into the architecture and internals of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012—with firsthand insights from the team that designed and developed it. Targeted for solution developers and system implementers, this guide focuses on programming and customization capabilities—including key architectural principles, the application model, framework, and tools.
This exam is intended for individuals on the implementation team who are responsible for administrating or using the Fixed Assets and Financial Management modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. This audience typically includes individuals who are tasked with assessing a customer’s business needs and advising them on the use, configuration, and customization of the application.
More information about exams
We recommend that you review this exam preparation guide in its entirety and familiarize yourself with the resources on this website before you schedule your exam. See the Microsoft Certification exam overview for information about registration, videos of typical exam question formats, and other preparation resources. For information on exam policies and scoring, see the Microsoft Certification exam policies and FAQs.
This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Microsoft exams might include adaptive testing technology and simulation items. Microsoft does not identify the format in which exams are presented. Please use this preparation guide to prepare for the exam, regardless of its format. To help you prepare for this exam, Microsoft recommends that you have hands-on experience with the product and that you use the specified training resources. These training resources do not necessarily cover all topics listed in the 'Skills measured' section.